

I'ma Developer


An entry-level web and app developer who loves to use his knowledge of programming to bring to life the bizarrest of ideas. I'm an engineering student majoring in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at Plaksha University

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Most water-saving schemes are commonplace in today's world, making the message ineffective and easy to gloss over. We plan to create a culture around saving water by providing users a customised shower experience to inspire them to save water. We designed a simple attachment that can be connected with any showerhead. This attachment uses a flow-rate sensor and an ESP32 microcontroller to communicate with an app that will help users keep track of their water usage in showers. This project secured second position in Plaksha Summer of Entrepreneurship

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People diagnosed with Parkinson's often experience hand tremors. Although there is currently no cure for Parkinson's, doctors often prescribe medications and recommend exercises to improve the condition of these tremors. However, the absence of an accessible way to track these tremors presents two major problems: patients find it difficult to monitor their progress and the presciption of medications is done on a trial-and-error basis. Introducing Therapia: a simple Flutter app that helps keep track of these tremors sparing only a minute per day, using nothing but your very own smartphone!

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Small retailers in India struggle to buy the products they need for their businesses because wholesale distributors require them to buy large quantities to get discounts. Our platform helps these retailers by allowing them to join together and make bulk requests, which appear as a single request to verified wholesale distributors. The items are delivered by a third party and payment is divided based on the quantity ordered. The website was designed using Bootstrap, Django and Firebase. This project won honourable mention in NMIMS Hackathon'21

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Flavour Leaf

A food-ordering app that I made to practice full-stack app development using Flutter

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